499 Join us this Tuesday as Steve Shultz interviews Barry Wunsch— LIVE RIGHT HERE — on May 23 at 11AM Pacific Time. Barry Wunsch is a Canadian prophet and businessman. 499. Beverly Hills Precious Metal. Join us this Tuesday as Steve Shultz interviews Barry Wunsch — LIVE RIGHT HERE — on December 6 at 11AM Pacific Time. 525 2nd Ave SW Suite 629. Barry will be discussing prophetic revelation regarding the United States, Canada, and the nations, exposure of corruption, and the coming wealth transfer. We ask only that you keep Elijah List website, email contact info, and author contact information intact. Barry will be discussing a new day dawning in America, a midnight move in DC with a new breed of governance, mainstream media networks being shaken, and more! Please join us this Tuesday with Barry Wunsch! Join us this Friday as Steve Shultz interviews Barry Wunsch — LIVE RIGHT HERE — on December 30 at 11AM Pacific Time. 81K 99 128K 304 7 days ago AMANDA GRACE: TRUSTING THE LORD’S NAVIGATION AND HIS GUIDANCE! Elijah Streams Join us this Friday as Steve Shultz interviews Barry Wunsch — LIVE RIGHT HERE — on Friday, August 5 at 11AM Pacific Time. You won't want to miss. You won't want to. Barry will be discussing prophetic words from the Lord to His people, snakes being removed, and powerful words over Canada. Barry has a deep love for Canada and the heart of a reformer. 25K 155 193K 489 6 days ago DONNA RIGNEY: THIS IS "THE DAY OF THE WHISTLEBLOWER!" Elijah Streams 2. Barry will be discussing a prophetic encounter he had for America, the take down of the Deep State, indictments not being able to stand, the. Barry Wunsch “The next few days are going to be critical!” September 22, 2022 YouTube Loves Free Speech 223 subscribers 11K views 3 months ago “The next few days are going. Elijah List Publications. Barry has a deep love for Canada and the heart of a reformer. He is part of the Frontline Church in Sylvan Lake, Alberta, Canada, a prophetic. Rumble Under Attack, Disney Collapsing, Bud Light Drama & More. Kelsey O'Malley will be interviewing Barry Wunsch LIVE TODAY on May 5, 2023, at 11am PT/2pm ET on RUMBLE and Facebook ONLY. Go here to watch it today at these sites: 124K 170 4 days ago Johnny Enlow Unfiltered Ep 67: Transitioning from the Rude Awakening to the Great Awakening! Elijah Streams 3. Steve Shultz recorded an interview with Barry Wunsch that AIRS TODAY on July 14, 2023, at 11am PT/2pm ET on RUMBLE and Facebook ONLY. 23,081 likes · 4,203 talking about this. 5K. email: [email protected]. Barry Wunsch. Support our HIS GLORY Family Partners! Do what you can do to help defund the swamp by investing your hard-earned dollars in Kingdom companies like these. The Canadian Hammer Barry Wunsch 223 subscribers. The message starts about about the 11:00 minute mark of the full video I will post below, but essentially it is this: There is. Show lessJoin us this TUESDAY as Steve Shultz interviews Barry Wunsch — LIVE RIGHT HERE — on December 14th, at 11 AM Pacific Time. Join us this FRIDAY as Kelsey O’Malley interviews Barry Wunsch – LIVE RIGHT HERE – on January 14th, at 11AM Pacific Time. Join us this FRIDAY as Kelsey O'Malley interviews Barry Wunsch – LIVE RIGHT HERE – on February 4, at 11AM Pacific Time. BARRY WUNSCH: DEMONIC PRINCIPALITIES WILL BE HELD TO ACCOUNT! 179K. Supreme Courts, and releasing words over Canada, Australia and more! Please join us this Tuesday with Barry Wunsch! Show moreJoin us this TUESDAY as Steve Shultz interviews Barry Wunsch — LIVE RIGHT HERE — on April 12, at 11 AM Pacific Time. BARRY WUNSCH: THE PUPPETEERS ARE ABOUT TO BE REVEALED! 225K. Kelsey O'Malley will be interviewing Barry Wunsch LIVE TODAY on May 5, 2023, at 11am PT/2pm ET on RUMBLE and Facebook ONLY. The Canadian Hammer Barry WunschViewing Prophet Profile Barry Wunsch Print Posted On August 6th, 2021 Barry Wunsch is a Canadian prophet and businessman. Join us this Tuesday as Steve Shultz interviews Barry Wunsch— LIVE RIGHT HERE — on May 23 at 11AM Pacific Time. 416. Barry, Tell my people, today changes everything. 283. Barry will be discussing fresh prophetic revelation regarding an escalation of exposure in the nations, coming revival and reformation, and words for New York city, Canada, and more! Show lessBarry will be discussing the unstoppable justice of God, the overturning of evil powers, undeniable evidence coming to light, a time of celebration, and more! Please join us this Friday with Barry Wunsch! Elijah List Ministries / ElijahStreams TV, 525 2nd Ave SW, Suite 629 Albany, OR 97321 USA Thank you for making the always-free Elijah List. Especially for the Northeast. Barry will be discussing prophetic words for the nations, global revival, the Bride awakening and more! The Canadian Hammer, Red Deer, Alberta. The Canadian Hammer, Red Deer, Alberta. Barry will be discussing powerful words for USA and Canada, including Jezebel being exposed, removal of leadership, reformation. Join us this FRIDAY as Steve Shultz interviews Barry Wunsch – LIVE RIGHT HERE – on March 18, at 11AM Pacific Time. Phone 1-541-926-3250. This is a prophetic warning from one of the most authentic prophets out there, Barry Wunsch, who says God woke up him early this morning at 4:56 a. Streamed on: Dec 6, 2:03 pm EST BARRY WUNSCH: “GENERALS SHALL BOW TO MY NAME!” 151K 376 Elijah List Ministries / ElijahStreams TV, 525 2nd Ave SW, Suite 629 Albany, OR 97321 USA. Prophetic Word: America the Beautiful –. S. Barry will be discussing revelation for Canada and the nations, a call to the altar, a vision of one of God’s prophets, visitations being released, and more! 273K. ElijahStreams's Julie Smith will be interviewing Barry Wunsch on June 16 at 11AM Pacific Time. November 15,2022 3:54am. 23,081 likes · 4,203 talking about this. The tipping point is here. BARRY WUNSCH: “WATCH THE REBIRTH OF THE NATIONS!” 152K followers Follow 152K Streamed on: Nov 1, 2:00 pm EDT BARRY WUNSCH: “WATCH THE REBIRTH OF THE. “The next few days are going to be critical…“. Woke him suddenly wide awake and gave him this urgent message. . Barry will be discussing a new day. The Republic as you have known is changing forever. He has a father’s heart and a love for family and community, bringing words of hope, restoration, and healing to many. Join us this Thursday as Steve Shultz interviews Barry Wunsch— LIVE RIGHT HERE — on March 23 at 11AM Pacific Time. 11K views 3 months ago. You won't want to miss out on this powerful interview. Viewing Prophet Profile Barry Wunsch Posted On August 6th, 2021 Barry Wunsch is a Canadian prophet and businessman. No fear! We are protected. The Canadian Hammer Barry WunschPosted On August 6th, 2021. BARRY WUNSCH: FROM DAYS OF LACK INTO DAYS OF PLENTY! Elijah Streams 4. He has a father’s heart and a. The Canadian Hammer, Red Deer, Alberta. net. Barry will be discussing fresh. Barry Wunsch, "The Canadian Hammer," joins His Glory: A Window Into the Supernatural Show more. Barry will be discussing fresh prophetic revelation over the U. The bowls are full! It is time to cross over! Respectfully Submitted. Albany, OR 97321. m. Barry will be discussing prophetic words for President Trump, the USA and Mexico, the shaking of child-trafficking and the cartels, a time of miracles and more! Join us this Tuesday as Steve Shultz interviews Barry Wunsch — LIVE RIGHT HERE — on November 1 at 11AM Pacific Time. He has a father’s heart and a love for family and community, bringing words of hope, restoration, and healing to many. 76. 23,053 likes · 3,789 talking about this. Barry Wunsch. Full video on Rumble: “The next few days. 56K 143 182K 487 7 days ago. Barry will be discussing prophetic words over Canada and USA including 45, a shaking and turnaround coming, words for God’s children, and much more! Please join us this FRIDAY with Barry Wunsch. HOLD THE LINE! God Bless and Protect you and your families! God Bless and Protect Israel! God Bless the United States of America the Beautiful! God Bless Canada the True North Strong and Free! Most sincerely Barry Wunsch PO Box 25069 Deer Park Red Deer, Alberta T4R 2M2. Put everything else in God’s hands by faith.